Fashion is in the eyes of the beholder.
Style is truly a personal preference and reflection of one's personality. Styles come and go, but there are basic guidelines that all styles and time adhere to. We will gladly share our wealth of experience in frame selection, based on your cosmetic, lifestyle, and ophthalmic needs.

• The frame shape should contrast slightly with the face shape:
It is not generally recommended to put a round frame on a round face, a square frame on a square face, etc. However, style is truly a personal expression and there really is not a right or wrong by today's high fashion, but we will make sure that the functionality of your eyewear is not compromised by your taste, but rather copacetic.
• The frame size should be proportionately balanced to the size of your face:
Generally speaking, your eye should be in the center of the frame, from the left & right. Again, functionality plays a key role in this selection as frame cosmetics can be for naught if the lens looks bad, or you can not see properly.
• Eyewear should accentuate your best, or specific features, for example:
If you have grayish to white hair, stay away from silver frames. The contrast will give you the appearance of ‘Muddy' gray hair, while a gunmetal, Dull Gray, or black color frame will highlight just the silver color of your hair affording the luxury of a very distinguished appearance.
• Frame quality:
Frames should compliment one's personality and/or desired image, as well as their ophthalmic requirements. There are many choices in life that will require educated decisions, or to trust one who's education and experience is in your field of need. Quality of a specific product is one of them.
There are many frame designs and styles, to choose from, and the challenging aspect which we excel in, is finding that happy medium between style and functionality. Our job, and yours, will be to find that ‘perfect' fit and bring out the fashionista in you!